
Vehicle Electronics & Architecture (VEA)


by Dariusz Mikulski; Steven R. Russo


New technological advancements call for innovative cybersecurity assurance measures in preventing increased vulnerabilities through cyber-attacks and cyber warfare. Current encryption processes are no longer failsafe in secure data management architectures, especially with accessibility to Advanced Encryption Algorithms (AES). Through new technological advancements, including informational technology architectures and autonomous vehicle implementation, it is imperative to provide new paradigms of security against cybersecurity breaches. In all realms of data usage, including the development of the Next Generation of military vehicles, the demand for significant preventative measures in cybersecurity assurance has dramatically increased. The matter of advanced need in cybersecurity can be established through the use of MicroToken Exchange™ (MTE). By way of MicroToken Exchange, it is possible to provide an additional robust layer of security that allows the right data, as well as ultra-secure command and control actions, to get to the right device, endpoint or End User Device (EUD), at the right time. Through MicroToken Exchange (MTE), operational changes are made to a sequence of digital data, which replaces the original data with new data or MicroTokens, prior to the streaming process; this process protects the data by replacing the real data with MicroTokens. By changing the data through the streaming process to MicroTokens rather than real data, the real data is then rendered inaccessible during the streaming process. When the MicroTokens reach their destination, they are then transformed for the device-- endpoint or EUD that the information was intended for--to execute a command. This added transformation layer inhibits non-authorized users to affect unauthorized actions to any paired End User Devices (EUDs). This process would provide the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps with optimized effectiveness, efficiency and security in systems processing with MTE. MTE can be deployed on a one-to-one, one-to-many, and/or many-to-many ecosystem. Compatibility of this process is compliant with C, C++, and Java platforms, with possibilities of translation for multiple languages. MTE makes command data exploitation unassailable, as systems and connected devices remain unscathed, fully operational, stable, and secure by preventing these vulnerabilities. It is both unique and unparalleled in its design architecture. This paper provides more details on the process and the possibilities aligned with MTE’s applications. In providing these details, this paper further converses how MTE can provide cybersecurity assurance to informational technology aspects of the military. Also, how to integrate into the Next Generation vehicles for protection against cyber-attacks and cyber warfare in autonomous systems. By providing these additional layers of security, MicroToken Exchange would support the mission of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps. This would prevent unauthorized user access to all information and all autonomous controls, by removing the real data that typically passes through the streaming process. Utilization of MTE would also coincide with the military goal of using more Unified Capabilities (UC). By preventing data collection from unauthorized users, vulnerabilities decrease dramatically, security increases exponentially, mission effectiveness increases dramatically, and safety of this nation’s business and warfighter communities are preserved in the cyber realm.