A unique laboratory suspension testing capability has been developed which, for the first time, enables rapid evaluation of tracked vehicle suspension components. The testing capability was stood up in the Durability Test Lab (DTL) in conjunction with the materials division, both organizations within GVSC. Testing has been ongoing, and the results of that testing are presented, current to the time of publication. Historically, laboratory component testing has been very limited due to the lack of a capability to provide relevant loading conditions. Previous testing capabilities not only were deficient in their vertical speed capability, but more importantly, lacked the ability to apply the corning forces. Further reasoning and details associated with the development of this test system are presented. This capability was developed as part of an ongoing campaign in the materials division of GVSC. The purpose of this campaign is to demonstrate and establish design standards, and develop an optimization process for vehicle components for future vehicles as well as improvements to the current fleet. The goal of this paper is to inform the military community of the existence, progress, and possibilities of this novel testing capability.